34.5kV Reliability Improvements

34.5kV Reliability Improvements

34.5kV Reliability Improvements
Naval Station Great Lakes , Illinois

Project Brief

Project Cost: $5,108,134.00

Completion: August 2005

Contract Method: Firm Fixed Price

This project involved the design of a new and reconfiguration of existing portions of the 34.5kV sub-transmission system. Load flow, fault analysis, and coordination studies were conducted. New SEL 311 line segment differential relays with fiber optic communication were installed at each end of each 34.5kV feeder allowing automatic sectionalizing of the 34.5kV loop upon loss of any segment. Three new 34.5kV switchgears were installed and five existing 34.5kV switchgears were upgraded with new line segment differential relays. The electrical portion of the existing SCADA system was upgraded from radio to fiber optic communication. SCADA communications speeds were dramatically increased compared to the existing radio system. Approximately one mile of new 34.5kV feeders were installed in duct banks to connect the loop feeders.

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